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Injector Errors
A. Intermittent Errors:
The Control Box monitors the signals from the sled’s ECU. If it detects signals on one set of wires but not the other, it
will detect a fault on that injector and display one of the two error messages.
MAG Inj Error Missing or bad signal detected on the MAG (recoil) side injector (yellow or tan wires).
PTO Inj Error Missing or bad signal detected on the PTO (clutch) side injector (green or brown wires).
If either of these errors occur, the Control Box will still function and it will still “try” to make fuel adjustments (as
long as the injector connections are good), but the injector connection will need to be fixed. Check for loose terminals
in the connectors and frayed wires. If the problem cannot be fixed and the error reoccurs frequently, contact
Boondocker to determine if the Control Box and harness need to be sent back to be inspected or serviced.
Note 1: Injector errors that occur infrequently (more than several minutes or hours apart) may be ignored since
they are likely caused by sporadic electrical noise. Try rerouting the Control Box harness so it is kept away from
ignition, fuel pump, and stator wires. Verify that the sled’s ground wire is attached to the frame.
Note 2: If an error occurs more than 10 times (before being cleared), and exclamation point “!” will be displayed
after “MAG” or “PTO” is displayed as shown:
MAG!Inj Error “!” = More than 10 errors have been detected on MAG injector.
PTO!Inj Error “!” = More than 10 errors have been detected on PTO injector.
Note 3: Even though “MAG” or “PTO” is displayed, it is possible the actual fault is on the opposite injector or on
both injectors.