Zukka 800:an blir kvar nästa år också, tror att det släpps en mid season 800 ctec (mina egna tankar)
"Really not expecting a 4 stroke in the ZR4000, the ZR4000RR comes with a 1.352 track, should be a dominant 85hp 2 stroke replacing the 500 that has owned the sport 85 class racing, can't imagine Cat would give that up. Very happy to the the 6000 expanded in the lineup in XF's in 137 as well as the HC and CC models, also see a 137x1.75 track listed as a replacement track, this will make a perfect cross country sled that rides like a 129. Also very pleased to see an entry level sled again in the lineup to replace the 370/440 market. Looks like the M's are going to have some very nice upgrades, I'm going to be ordering alot of replacement boards as they are listed in the acc's for the 12-14's..."