Dragon 700 lurar på en så vad tror ni


Rookie sledder
4 nov 2006
Funderar på att köpa en dragon 700 kan det vara ett bra köp ser hel rätt ut. Med bra dämpare och iq chassi. Haft rev 800 - 06


10 okt 2006
Kollar man på dom Nordamerikanska forumen så skrivs det väldigt gott om dom.
Så finns det någon kvar hos handlarna här hemma, så tycker jag att du skall slå till!
Eventuellt så pratas det om en 800cfi som kommer att släppas i Dragon/IQ chassit.. men det är säkert bara rykten! eller?

En liten recension av en Dragon ägare från HCS forumet :)

I picked up my new dragon 121 yesterday and took it out today. I took it easy the first 20 miles and I couldn't wait to open it up. It was 30f outside and the runs were 1500 feet on all hard packed. I have premixed the gas for the break in, so it was a rich on oil.
My sled is new out of the box yesterday (stock). I lined up against a stock 04 F7, stock 07 Apex, 04 modded F7 (porting, clutching and pipes, Not sure of what HP),
and a stock 07 M1000. Out of the hole the dragon was the quickest until about the 300 foot mark, then I was neck to neck with the Apex. At approx the 600 foot mark the M1000 was neck to neck. At about the 800 foot mark the Apex and M1000 were slowly pulling away. At the 1500 foot mark the Apex was 2 1/2 lengths ahead and the M1000 was only 2 lengths ahead.
I am 6'5" 250 lbs, I then put my brother in law on. He is 5'10" 140 lbs.
He lined up against the F7, F7 mod, and the Apex. He beat everyone out of the hole, and dominated to the 1500 foot mark. Then apex was 1 1/2 lengths behind and the modded f7 was 4 behind.
This sled rocks!!! and it not even broken in yet.
I can't wait until I run the premix thru the engine and run it after the break in. I can't wait to see if I can beat the Apex and the M1000. Hopefully there will be a few Rev 800's or Mach Z 1000's around.


Rookie sledder
4 nov 2006
Har beställt en dragon 700 idag skulle till 99% få en. Det blir en nagel bitare och vänta. Om det är samma skoter förutom kubiken på 08 an så får man stå ut mer det huvudsaken att man trivs med chassit. Effekten räcker nog till.


Välkänd medlem
14 jan 2007
07-ans motor är ju byggd på samma sätt som 440 motorerna så dem får ut mycket effekt ur dem. men samtidigt så slits ju motorn mer meN det är det väl värt:)