Sno Pro 440 -03 info!


Välkänd medlem
1 jan 2000
[Uppdaterat: Senast editerat den 14-Nov-02 kl 03:25 PM (CET)]Från American Snowmobiler:

Hyper Viper on 11/13/2002 10:13:00 PM

Well, the sled is together at my dealer, its his. The new SnoPro is green with a black air induction on front of hood with black number plates on the sides. All green skis and a-arms with yellow shock springs. Only 1 heat exchanger up front, no cooling through the running boards as before. 110 octane only gas, no oil reservior(premix), Normal cat clutches(no direct drive), Has a vent next to the headlight on the brake side for brake cooling. To choke the sled you have little knobs on the carbs themselves. The sled looks just like last years accept for those changes highlighted above. As far as technical changes, not sure. Have too wait till Friday for the race school. One neat little thing was a "spring loaded" taillight, I guess the theory is if it gets hit it will just move forward and then after the force that moved it is gone, it will go back to normal postion, its a little thing but interesting. I guess after seeing it I was a little disappointed as I thought it might have had a few changes that a few of us were hoping for, like seating position. Once again this is no BS, I know I am a Yammie guy but I love snocross and was riding Cat till year 00 when I wanted a change, still like them Cats, just not the green color!!

Det lät väl inte så dumt! Bilder då? Jajamen, here you go:

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Celeritas Vitae Est


Välkänd medlem
31 dec 1999
Bara jag som tycker denna samt många andra nya hightech-modeller gått å blitt fula som stryk? Inget ont sagt om köregenskaperna, dom är säkerligen på topp men designen faller då inte alls mig i smaken. Å det är somsagt inte bara AC som bygger fula skotrar. REV'n tycker jag mest liknar en övergödd insekt vars föräldrar antagligen är en korsning mellan RX1 och Viper + att Polaris nya dyna (ni vet den jättekorta på ett vanligt chassie) var med på ett hörn också. Är faktiskt lite besviken på detta.
Men komihåg. Nu har jag ju inte sagt att det inte byggs snygga skotrar heller!