Hibbert lika med Blair

Tucker Hibbert lika med Blair Morgan på 84 segrar!

December 9, 2013 – Monster Energy/Arctic Cats Tucker Hibbert vann runda tre och fyra i ISOC National Snocross tour i Bessemer, Mich. och är därmed lika med legend Blair Morgan vad det gäller flest segrar genom tiderna.

Hibbert Bessemer13-Podium
Tucker Hibbert – # 68 Monster Energy / Arctic Cat

“Obviously, we (the team) wanted to start the season off strong. We couldn’t have done much better. I’m excited and thankful for how the first two races went. It sets the tone for the rest of the season.
The track in Bessemer was awesome. The only downfall was the cold weather. It caused a lot of snow dust, which changes the way you can race. The wins didn’t come as easy this weekend as they did in Duluth. Overall, it worked out and I’m really happy with our results.
My goal is to win every race I enter whether or not I’m chasing records. For me, it’s all about doing the best I can. It’s an exciting honor to be tied with Blair for wins but just like when we used to battle back in the day, I want to beat him.”


www.tucker – hibbert.com • www.monsterenergy.com • www.arcticcat.com • isocracing.com

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