Ski-Doo 2017


Välkänd medlem
1 jan 2000
Håller faktiskt inte med =) Tror nog att det kommer att gå fortare på ny Ski-Doon. Vi får väl utlysa en huv-battle till våren!!


Välkänd medlem
16 okt 2010
Haha var ju lite humor den där videon faktiskt.
Nu var det väl ändå överkomligt att göra då man knappast behöver lossa den dagligen.
Men lite kul att han påpekar hur jäkla lätt det är och bara 6st skruvar (plus skruven för luftburken som inte räknas tydligen.)

Men även om man tar bort sidokåporna blir det en jäkla hög med saker som kommer ligga runt omkring en innan man är klar. Och det är väl ett större problem än antalet skruvar...


Välkänd medlem
22 jan 2011
Varför i hela helvete på ren Svenska har Ski-Doo valt att stänga ute oss från deras facebooksida!!

De har i smyg flyttat oss svenskar som gillar skidoo på facebook till en egen svensk sida som inte postar det originalet gör.
Försöker man komma in på orginalet så hamnar man automatiskt hos skidoo sverige.
Ni får ursäkta men nu är jag förbannad!

Vi missar saker som detta med bilder från tidigare idag:

We’re stoked seeing the photos and reaction to your new REV Gen4 platform sleds – it’s why we do what we do. We know some of you are still anxiously awaiting delivery of your 2017s, particularly Spring trail models, and we are working hard to get them to you very soon.
Approximately 80% of MXZ and Renegade X sleds are built and we will complete production of the final 20% in the next 10 days. Our shipping team is making every effort to get them to you as soon as possible. Our goal is to have every 2017 (including non-Spring models) shipped out by Christmas, which is still on target with our original commitment to your dealers in February.
We absolutely understand your frustration with deliveries of Spring order models in December, especially with snow falling. Designing, calibrating, testing and manufacturing a new platform and new engine simultaneously (both requiring new manufacturing techniques), plus a commitment to the highest quality vehicles, pushed REV Gen4/850 E-TEC production to the very end of the 2017 run.
While some of you are waiting longer than you – and we – would like, we're confident you're getting the best Ski-Doo snowmobile we have ever produced and it will be worth the wait. We appreciate your patience.


Välkänd medlem
6 feb 2013
Du kan alltid välja att trycka på Mer -> Byt Region -> Standardsida. Något som är standard för alla länder utom just vi i Sverige :)


Välkänd medlem
22 jan 2011
En till ride report:

"Since 2011 I have been on a Polaris and before that I was on Ski Doo and up till last spring I haven't liked the Doo for the riding that I like to do which is mainly in the trees.
I happen to live near Bret Rasmussen and spent some time on the 850 last spring and loved it so much that I snow checked a black 165 3".
Well the maiden voyage was yesterday here in SE Idaho and I was even lucky enough to ride with Bret! What was supposed to be a road ride turned into us finding a south slope that had just enough snow to put these machines to the test.
For those of you that are lucky enough to have one I think you are in for a pleasant surprise. I am blown away with how fast this sled is on the bottom end, that 850 and 165 track combo are deadly in the trees! When you hit the flipper you better have a good grip on because it will pull the handle bars right out of your hands!
I remember how much power the prototype had last spring and I really think this sled has more then that and I'm only on 89% break in.
Even with the low snow conditions yesterday was one of the funnest times I've had on a sled. For me personally I am blown away with what this stock sled can do. There was a few times when I was pullin the hill that this sled was gaining speed in 3 feet of snow, I loved my pros but not even my 15 which had North Stars performance kit which is pistons, cylinder shim, timing key and fuel controller and Carl's helix and spring could do what this 850 did.
I can't wait for Wyoming this weekend and I hope to find more snow to stretch the legs on this machine!

Good job Ski Doo!"


Välkänd medlem
19 dec 2012
Låter ju jätte bra med 170hk. Men man får ta det med en nypa salt då BMP's siffror har en aning skeva värden. Min axys ska ha närmare 180hk med deras trimm och det har den inte. På sin höjd 165-170 en riktigt kall å bra dag. Vet man brukar ta bort 10hk på deras siffror så får man en liten mer verklighetsuppfattad bild på det hela.
Inte riktigt insatt på det hela med hur jänkarna dyno kör kontra hur vi gör det i norden. Men 99% av fallen så är utfallen så iaf.
Oavsett så är 160 ärliga hästar fan inget å skämmas för!!! Samt att motorn har spridare före reedsen är bara mumma. Har stora förhoppningar på denna setup. Men kommer vänta tills Lynx sätter händerna i den :)

Men att jämföra det med en -15 pro som på sin höjd har 145hästar med dom där modsen. Och ofta när folk själv pillrar med bränsleboxarna så fetare dom upp mellanregistret för mycke å dom tappar respons. Skulle vilja se en recension från en som hoppar från en Axys med pipa till en 850. Där kan de nog vara väldigt nära varandra i form av prestanda.


Välkänd medlem
26 mar 2012
Någon fler som har fått fukt i mätarhuset? Gäller förstås inte bara 2017 men. Hämtade ut en Summit 600 -17 i torsdags och nu ser mätarna ut såhär efter en dags körning.


Välkänd medlem
21 jul 2008
Norra Sverige
Sådär då har man provat den nya 850:n. Går bra mycket bättre gassvar än en trött 800 e-tec. Lättkörd tyckte jag den var med. Slutsats: Fin maskin men inte så bra att min Axys blir utbytt. Hade förväntat mig mer efter all denna hype men en fin maskin som är kul och bjuder in till rolig åkning.


Välkänd medlem
10 jan 2010
Har lärt mig en sak. Etec 800 blir en mycket ettrigare maskin med ett bra variator kit. Typ som en ny ettrigre motor.
Fattar inte hur Skidoo kan ta fram värdelös variator setup som dom har original. Tex En super slapp sek fjäder med dålig backshift orkar inte vxl tillbaka i tyngre före och ett sämre respons. Off topic men iallafall


Välkänd medlem
22 jan 2011
Flera first ride reports:

"I watched my buddy who came off a 13 xm 154 take his first ride on the g4165.... Lol. Over rode it all day, till the end when he started getting it. Over compensating all day. Like Rasmussen said. Someone that comes from riding a xm will over ride this sled. It's that much easier to control.... Think I'll be trowing a leg over it on Tuesday when we have better visibility for our ride."

"Was out in a good 3 feet of fresh heavy coastal stuff today Vis was terrible so nasty tree an willow shoots was the order of the day. Also had my 2015 along , it is clutched and dialled about as good as an XM gets same track length and paddle 154 by 2.6 The XM has skid relocation and Powder wedges as well

The G4 straight as it comes from the Dealer nothing done to it and 87% brake in mode so lots to go.
It has a slight edge in all out deep snow performance over the XM -- it gets up on the snow slightly better. Slow speed crawling around is much more different The G4 crawls around in this deep stuff with much less effort. Where the XM needs to be wound out to keep the frond end floating the G4 does the same with much more control at partial throttle.
You definitely have to have a easy touch with the G4 Takes a bit to dial down Rider Inputs .
I have seen to many new sleds that could not keep up with a dialled 2 year old sled unless you do some mods. This one delivers the goods. I don't Know what RPM it pulls the Dash is constantly covered in snow in this deep stuff , may need a mid size windshield just to deflect some of that. But with windshields you usually end up with pow in your face all day in this stuff anyway so not sure about that one for now.
All in all super happy with it."

"Finally got to log some miles, about 40. Mostly roads and trails with up to a foot of fresh on top. Not much for hills yet as the snows not ready. This mofo comes out of the hole like a raped ape. So easy to ride and manage. So far it does everything very well. My only complaint is the snow flap. It's too long. Gets sucked up all the time. Don't want to cut it and sacrifice cooling. Going to rig up something to latch it to the bumper. I know you are supposed to bend it in half and fold it under the bumper to hold it, that method does not work well and a pain. I have another complaint, would like to have separate controls for thumb and hand warmers. Aside from those actually unimportant items, SkiDoo knocked it out of the park on this one."

"I have 80 miles on mine now and I agree it's a big improvement over my xm. I cut my snow flap before I even rode the sled and haven't had heat issues yet. One ride with an ice trail with ice scratches down never got over 120. I'm one with recoil problems, but if that's my biggest issue all winter I'll take it. "

"I just rode my 154 around my shop, holy crap. The demo I rode last year makes these look horrible. I cannot wait for tomorrow. It feels ight, powerful, and what the XM lacked: PREDICTABLE."

"got mine out for first ride today.
easy to ride, gotta back off on rider input tho.
was careful breaking in belt, it stretched a
bit @ first then was fine the rest of the day.
think ill be fine without the toe holds, but
feels a bit odd as I ride way forward.
speaking of, my only dislikes are the front of the
boards. too f-ing slick up there. I have a box of
traction screws, but hoping someone comes up with
a better fix. and my re coil acted up(first pull only) a
couple of times. I insulated it, so guessing the grease
theory is probably right. think this sled will be a good

" Cannot believe the throttle response. I rode my G4 154 around my shop, on hardpack snow, then rode all of my 3 2016 Summits/Freeride, the 2017 made the 16 sleds look (feel) bad. Like hopping of an Axys and riding an older Pro. (And my 16 Doos are dialed, with clutch kits and setup.) I wasn't real excited about this season, thought I was buying a couple of Doos, but I am back to looking forward to riding again."


Välkänd medlem
11 jan 2009
Har lärt mig en sak. Etec 800 blir en mycket ettrigare maskin med ett bra variator kit. Typ som en ny ettrigre motor.
Fattar inte hur Skidoo kan ta fram värdelös variator setup som dom har original. Tex En super slapp sek fjäder med dålig backshift orkar inte vxl tillbaka i tyngre före och ett sämre respons. Off topic men iallafall
fast den är ändå utan gassvar fram tills den fått börja tala ut. det kan man inte trolla i variatorerna för att få bort


Välkänd medlem
10 jan 2010
Jag har Bondi boxen och eget variator kit en 2016. Har ett bra ettrigt gassvar inte som 850 men mycket bättre än 2013 etec och äldre. MY2015-16 har lite högre komp bättre mappning. Dom går bra med rätt variator setup. Väldigt mycket går att göra på variator sidan. Även om T3 har en annan setup. Men dom har egentligen bara äkligt höga inslag inget mer fortfarnde blå sek fjäder som är värdelös på övriga registret. Ska öka bränsle också en aning som jag tror kommer öka vrid och gassvar ytterligare, inte hunnit testa göra det än. Sen måste man väl jämföra i backe mot 850 och se hur stor skillnad det är